Lesson 6: Who was there on two?

We will handle the past present form of verbs.
The words for {who} and {what} will be given.
The much used word "er" will be used.
Some more sounds.
We'll count from 0 to 10.

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Some consonants or diphthongs which are used rarely and mostly in words originating from foreign words:

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The Dutch word for {who} is "wie", the word for {what} is "wat".
There used the same as "waar".
The Dutch word "er" is used for many things (probably because it is so small).
The most frequently usage is for {there}, as in {there are ...} - "Er zijn ..."
Also: {What's the matter?} - "Wat is er?"
And: {Here we are} - "We zijn er"
And some more, you'll see them as we use them in sentences.
The simple numbers are:

The regular form of the past present form is the STEM followed by "te(n)" or "de(n)". The "n" is used in the plural form. Whether a "t" or "d" is used depends on the last vowel of the STEM. Normally, the "d" is used, but if the STEM ends with one of "k", "f", "s", "ch", "p" the "t" is used. Remember that the 'transformed' "z" (to an "s") and "v" (to an "f") are not one of these. A mnemonic for the "t" or "d" rule is the word "fokschaap" {breeding sheep} in which all the "t" vowels are present (also the word "kofschip" is used).


The irregular verbs (which are of course the most used) don't have any real rules, except that they have the same form for all the singular forms, and the same form for all the plural forms.
Verbs we defined in previous lessons:

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0, nul" zero
1, een"
(Also written as "e e n" or "één" to distinguish it from the article "een")
2, twee" two
3, drie" three
4, vier" four
5, vijf" five
6, zes" six
7, zeven"
(also pronounced as "zeven)
8, acht" eight
9, negen" nine
10, tien" ten
badkamer bathroom (not the lavatory) [de, badkamers]
bank couch (also bank (the money thingy)) [de, banken]
bed bed [het, bedden]
drinken to drink [drink, drinken, dronk, dronken]
eetkamer dining room [de, eetkamers]
eten to eat [eet, eet, eten, at, aten]
kamer room [de, kamers]
kelder cellar [de, (m), kelders]
keuken kitchen [de, keukens]
liggen to lie, be situated [lig, liggen, lag, lagen]
moeder mother [de, (v), moeders]
onder under, beneath, below
slaapkamer bedroom [de slaapkamers]
slapen to sleep [slaap, slapen, sliep, sliepen]
tellen to count [tel, tellen, telde, telden]
vader father [de, (m), vaders]
wat what
wc (w.c.) lavatory, w.c. [de, (m), wc's]
wie who
zitkamer sitting-room [de, zitkamers]
zolder loft, attic [de, (m), zolders]

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Ik ga naar bed. I'm going to bed.
Moeder en vader hadden twee bedden in de slaapkamer. Mother and father had two beds in the bedroom.
Wat is er? What's the matter?
Er stond een bank in de zitkamer. There was a couch in the sitting-room

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