Les acht: I know the can-can

We'll handle the difference between the Dutch words for {know} and {can}.
Some more sounds.
We'll count from 20 to 99.
We'll continue with the experiment: exercises! You can try them on paper and then check the answers immediatly.

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Some vowels, consonants or diphthongs which are used rarely and mostly in words originating from foreign words:

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The Dutch verb for {know} is "kennen", the verb for {can} is "kunnen".
You can see they are very alike, and lots of Dutch people have the bad habit of using "kennen" instead of "kunnen" when speaking, especially in some dialects. You shouldn't do this yourself (unless you want to be a real Dutchie :-) but be prepared for it (and don't correct them!! :-). "Kunnen" is an highly irregular verb, so much that I'm not really sure myself about the "jij" form. It's like:
ik kan, jij/u kan (or jij/u kunt) (kun/kan jij), hij/zij/het kan, wij kunnen, ik kon, wij konden, gekund
I hope so at least (any Dutch language wizard with some feedback?).
The next numbers are:
Note that it's not like in English, but first the singles, then the decades.
Also note the diaeresis above the "e" in "tweeëntwintig" en "drieëntwintig". It's to stress the point where the next sylable begins in a juxtaposition where the first sylable ends with a vowel (diphthong) and the next starts with one. In other cases an '-' is used, but this will be handled in a further lesson.
The numbers 31, 32, etc, till 99 are like the 20 numbers.
Note the start 't' in 80 "tachtig".

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20, twintig twenty
21, eenentwintig twenty one
22, tweeëntwintig twenty two
23, drieëntwintig twenty three
24, vierentwintig twenty four
25, vijfentwintig twenty five
26, zesentwintig twenty six
27, zevenentwintig twenty seven
28, achtentwintig twenty eight
29, negenentwintig twenty nine
30, dertig thirty
40, veertig fourty
50, vijftig fifty
60, zestig sixty
70, zeventig seventy
80, tachtig eighty
90, negentig ninety
achter behind, after, at the back of
begrijpen to understand, comprehend [begrijp, begrijpen, begreep, begrepen, begrepen (no extra 'ge')]
Engels English [het, no plural
gaan to go, go to ... [ga, gaat, gaan, ging, gingen, (zijn) gegaan]
kennen to know, be acquinted with [ken, kennen, kende, kenden, gekend]
kunnen to can, be able [kan, jij/u kunt/kan, hij kan, kunnen, kon, konden, gekund]
lezen to read [lees, lezen, las, lazen, gelezen]
mama (mamma, ma) mamma, mommy, mom [de, (v), mama's, mamma's, ma's]
na after, in succession (and some others)
Nederlands Dutch [het, no plural]
papa (pappa, pa) papa, daddy, dad [de, (m), papa's, pappa's, pa's]
papier paper [het, papieren]
pen pen [de, pennen]
plafond ceiling [het, plafonds]
potlood pencil [het, potloden]
praten to talk [praat, praat, praten, praatte, praatten, gepraat]
schrijven to write [schrijf, schrijven, schreef, schreven, geschreven]
spreken to speak [spreek, spreken, sprak, spraken, gesproken]
taal language [de, talen]
tegen against (and some more)
voor for, before, in front of (and some more)
weten to know, be aware of [weet, weet, weten, wist, wisten, geweten]
woord word [het, woorden]
zeggen to say [zeg, zegt, zeggen, zei, zeiden, gezegd]

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Spreekt u Engels? Do you speak English.
Ik kan Nederlands lezen en schrijven. I can read and write Dutch.
Ken jij Johanna? Do you know Johanna?
Weet jij waar mama is? Ze is niet boven in bed. Do you know where mom is? She is not upstairs in bed.
Heeft u begrepen wat ik in het Nederlands zei? Have you understood what I said in Dutch?
Jullie hadden achtentachtig potloden en pennen. You had eighty eight pencils and pens

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Translate into Dutch/English (select answer to view it):

Ik schreef met een potlood.I wrote with a pencil.
De lamp hangt aan het plafond.The lamp hangs on the ceiling.
Ze gaf papa pen en papier.She gave daddy pen and paper.
The pencil lies on the paper.De pen ligt op het papier.
The chairs are standing behind the table.De stoelen staan achter de tafel.
Why are you crying?Waarom huil je?

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